Key Words Monthly—March 2016

Welcome to this monthly bulletin designed to bring you important information on ASI matters between the Key Words newsletters, which are now published quarterly.
Fred Leise, ASI President

Members, log in for special members-only content.

ASI & ISC/SCI 2016 Conference

Conference Chicago at University Center

Conference Chicago at University Center

Registration is open for the 2016 conference, “The Drama of Indexing.” Held in Chicago this year, the conference is being hosted jointly between ASI and our Canadian sister association, ISC/SCI. The event will be staged at a conference center in the center of the Loop, across the street from the famed Harold Washington Library and close to many other places of interest to indexers. Early-bird pricing ends April 30, 2016. Register Here

Planning to stay for a few days after the conference? Chicago has plenty to see and do. Chicagoan Michael Jackson offers his insider tips on free things to do while you're in Chicago.

Where Should I Stay?

We've found that members have different preferences when choosing a hotel, and this year you can pick the hotel that you prefer. To get the best rates, we encourage you to book your hotel now. Visit this page for hotels that are near our conference center. For cost-saving rooms, you'll also find details on how to book your dormitory stay.


ASI/EIS Publishing Award for Excellence in Indexing

Nominations for the ASI/EIS Publishing Award for Excellence in Indexing will remain open until March 31, 2016. More information

Help Elect Your New Board of Directors

Your board of directors plays a crucial role in the running of ASI. They dedicate hours of time toward growing an organization that is beneficial for its members, provides education on indexing, and advocates for our industry. It is time to cast your vote in the 2016 ASI Board of Directors election.

The following candidates have agreed to serve and, if elected, will take office at the ASI Annual Conference on June 18, 2016.

President Elect—Kendra Millis
Treasurer—Anne Fifer
Director at Large (Three positions are open in 2016)—Meghan Miller Brawley, Jennifer Spanier, Paul Sweum


Next ASI Webinar—Frances Lennie Reveals Tips and Tricks of Cindex

Frances Lennie will be the presenter for ASI's next webinar scheduled for April 27. She'll be teaching you the tips and tricks of using Cindex. Watch your inbox for details.

Future Chapter Events

Spring Meeting for the Upper Midwest Chapter

Hear from Cheryl Lenser and Laura Westlund who, combined, have four decades experience working with indexes and freelance indexers. Cheryl spent over twenty years at Pearson Education as a senior indexer and now is a freelance indexer. Laura is the managing editor at University of Minnesota Press. She manages freelance indexers as well as the work flow of publications. Cheryl and Laura both hope to share with us ways we can better our relationships with our own publisher contacts.

April 16, 2016, 12:30-4:30
Hopkins Library; 22 11th Ave. N. Hopkins, MN; in the meeting room
Lunch at 12:30; Speaker at 1:30; Annual Meeting at 3:30

$40; RSVP to Jan Wann before April 11. Indicate your choice for lunch: turkey, roast beef, or vegetarian.

New ASI Awards for Excellence in Indexing

The ASI board has approved two new sets of awards. At the 2015 annual meeting in Seattle, an ad hoc committee was formed to expand ASI’s awards to be more inclusive. The new awards are in addition to the current ASI/EIS Award, and will target indexers and subject areas not eligible for ASI/EIS competition.

One set of awards will be given in subject areas represented by SIGs. Each SIG will determine the appropriateness of an award in its subject area, as well as the frequency and judging criteria for its award.

The Sports-Fitness SIG will be a prototype for instituting the SIG awards as of 2017.

The Web & Electronic Indexing SIG has had an award of its own in years past, and after a couple years’ hiatus, has reinstated the award and will announce its winner for 2016 at the ASI annual meeting in June.

Another award will be for new indexers, open to students currently enrolled in the ASI Training Course and graduates of the ASI Training Course who have been indexing no more than two years.

Watch for more information soon.

Making the Most of Your Website

Q. How can I upload my photo to my online profile?
A. First make sure you are logged onto the website. You'll find a box at the top right of the website. If you are logged in, it says, "Hello, _____." Click on Edit Your Profile. You'll want to review your profile and make sure it's up to date. If you make any changes, save your edits. To upload your profile photo, scroll to the bottom where you'll see Upload Headshot/Logo/Image. The file must be one of the types specified, of good quality, and no larger than one megabyte. Click Browse to locate your image file, then click the Begin-Uploading-File button to upload your image file. Be sure to Save.

Joining an ASI Committee Provides Plenty of Rewards

Why serve on an ASI national committee?

  • Improve your networking within ASI by working with other active ASI members. (Indexers tend to refer projects to other indexers they know, even those they know virtually.)
  • Improve your skills and resume by taking on professional activities.
  • Serve at the national level.
  • Serve for just one year or for longer.
  • Contribute ideas and take initiative in helping to move ASI in the direction you would like.
  • Help strengthen your professional organization.

ASI national committees have several openings:

  • Marketing Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Webinar/Online Learning Committee

Other opportunities:

  • Editor of this monthly Key Words bulletin

If you are interested or have questions, contact the ASI President, Fred Leise, or the chair of the relevant committee:

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