Barbara Cuerden, M.A.Ed B.F.A.
202A Somerset St. East
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6V2 Canada
613 860-5280

Barbara Cuerden, M.A.Ed B.F.A.
Barbara Cuerden holds a Master’s degree in Educational Research (2010) with a focus on society, culture and literacies. Barbara is a member of the Indexing Society of Canada (ISC) and has served as the ISC Representative for the Eastern Region of Canada.
This past year I’ve been engaged in a mentorship program through the ISC focused on indexing practices which privilege Indigenous knowledge systems. Breathing fresh air into cultural dead ends, Indigenous voices are crucial to dismantling the ongoing abuses generated by colonialism.
Working for the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), over five years I indexed 40 years of research that was digitized for access in the IDRC library (IDL). Subject matter focused on themes of Climate Change and Climate Change Adaptation, including Global Health initiatives and Climate sensitive disease. Millennium Sustainable Development Goals prioritized sustainable agricultural development and climate resilient food systems, using participatory research processes and Community Natural Resources Development that includes farmer perspectives, local populations, and on site ‘subjects’ of research.
I’m also proud of working towards building a Centre of Excellence in Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems developed within the IDRC by coordinated existing expert groups to generate, consolidate and disseminate information, as well as by assisting in the development of an electronic platform to make key resources accessible (identification of main organizations, resources and content generators in the field of CRVS, an indexed list of current materials, a glossary of terms, controlled vocabulary and taxonomy). Organizations and global partners comprised UNESCAP, PAHO, UNSD, World Bank, WHO, UNECA, APAI-CRVS, UNECA, UNESCO, Plan International.
Through indexing I’d like to be able to contribute to the development of indexing and publishing practices that support Indigenous knowledge translation, research, and publication. Safeguarding the planet must include drawing from thousands of years of traditional knowledge as well as Western scholarship.
….”As to the index you sent, well, it is wonderful. As the author of this text, reading this index was like reading a reminder of the text itself and, frankly, it brought out more depth in the text than I thought was there in the first place. Amazing! It is so satisfying to read an index that was written by someone who not only read but understood the text itself. Congratulations on a job well done–clear, careful, detailed, and a pleasure.” David Jardine , Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Calgary
… “”Barbara Cuerden is all you want in a professional indexer. She demonstrates an innate understanding of the nature and scope of the manuscript in question, is prompt in responding to inquiries or additions, and delivers a final product that accommodates the reader in all ways.” Dan Lalande, author
…“Thanks Barbara. … let me say how great I think this work is.
We are very keen to see it on our website. It will be the next task we tackle after we get our project data updated.” Kevin Conway, Manager e-Communications, International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
… ““We are definitely happy with the work you have been doing for us creating the short abstracts in the IDL. My understanding is that this work is progressing well, and we should be about complete the last 10 years’ worth of projects by the end of your current contract. This is a big milestone and you should be proud that you are well on your way to achieving that.” Jane Ann Wyma Information Systems Management, IDRC
Software expertise and production skills:
Subject Specialties:
Environmental sciences
Race and ethnic studies
Type of Materials Specialties:
Scholarly books
Trade books
Updated: August 21, 2024