Program for 2024 ASI Conference

2024 ASI Conference
"Spread Your Indexing Wings"

Bryn Mawr College
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
June 5–6, 2024


Tuesday, June 4—Preconference Workshops

9:00 AM–4:00 PM First Flight: or, A Jam-Packed Introduction to Indexing for New Indexers. Fred Leise.

Designed for those individuals considering or beginning a career in indexing, this workshop provides an introduction to and overview of the basics of indexing, the indexing process, and the indexing business.

Topics to be covered include characteristics of indexers; what indexes are and how they are structured; the index creation process, including indexable concepts, metatopics, term selection for headings and subheadings, locators and index editing; administration of indexing projects; and the business of indexing.

You won’t become a practicing indexer after just this workshop, but you will be able to understand what an index is, the business context for creating indexes, and the complexities of running an indexing business. In sum, whether indexing is right for you.

Intermediate/Advanced Workshops

9:00 AM–12:00 PM Marketing Flight School. Kendra Millis.

The goal of this workshop is to help you develop marketing materials and a marketing plan. This is a hands-on workshop, so bring a laptop or notebook and be prepared to write and take notes! Topics will include branding, methods, formats, introductory letters, and ongoing marketing. When you leave, you should have a plan for what your marketing materials will look like, a list of what materials you plan to use, a draft of your first letter, and ideas for how to put it all together.

1:00–4:00 PM Embedded Indexing in Microsoft Word. Devon Thomas.

This is an introductory, hands-on exploration of embedded indexing in Word. Beginning with the basic principles of embedded indexing and how the process differs from back-of-the-book indexing we will then explore the indexing functions in Microsoft Word, including marking indexing entries, force-sorting, creating page ranges, cross-references, and entries in footnotes and endnotes. We will also generate the index and make edits with the indexing module and directly in the index tags.

With a solid grounding in how the Word indexing module works we will then look at some of the tools that can be used with Word to make the indexing process more efficient. While after this workshop you will be able to construct an index in Word alone, you will see why many indexers use additional tools.

Note that this workshop will not discuss indexing principles and assumes a basic knowledge of index construction. Participants will need to bring a laptop with Microsoft Word already installed. Add-on tool installation is encouraged for hands-on participation or questions, but not required. A list of suggested tools will be provided. This workshop does not cover embedded indexing in other platforms, such as InDesign or XML. Although the basic principles of embedded indexing apply to all platforms, time does not allow for an in-depth look at the all the variations in implementation.

Cindex Workshop

2:00–4:00 PM Fresh Start with Cindex 4.3. Maria Sullivan.

Join us for an exciting session as we explore the newly open-sourced Cindex 4.3. Whether you’re a seasoned Cindex user or just getting started, this session has something for everyone. Let’s dive into the basics, uncover hidden gems, and discuss advanced features. Bring your questions and let’s embark on this Cindex journey together!

  1. Back to Basics
    • - Creating, navigating, and editing indexes
      - Managing projects and formatting options
      - Exporting indexes
  2. The "Why" Behind the Features
    • - Understand the rationale behind settings and functions
      - Discover everyday functionality you might have missed
  3. Advanced Exploration
    • - A brisk walk through powerful features
      - Unleash the full potential of Cindex
  4. Q&A and Discussion
    • - Share your experiences and project needs
      - Let’s learn from each other

Wednesday, June 5–Thursday, June 6—Conference Sessions

SESSION Contracts: Why Your Emails Aren’t Enough. Jolanta N. Komornicka.
Fiddling around with another bit of paperwork is often the last thing that indexers want to do or think about. But having the details for a project scattered over several emails with a client not only makes it harder to find relevant information when you need it, it’s easy to overlook telling the client boilerplate information (such as what happens when schedules slip), and even easier still to be left wondering whether the client actually agreed to your provision for a project that’s two week’s late but still expected to be delivered on time (rush fee? too bad so sad?). This session will be a mix of presentation (why having a contract template that you and your client both sign is a worthwhile bit of paperwork) and workshop (what issues have you run into that could use a provision in a contract?). By figuring out your contract language and squaring it away in a template, reflective of the kind of indexing you do and your typical client base, you’ll be able to save your energies for the actual indexing, enabling you to, as it were, spread your indexing wings.

SESSION Wings in Flight: The Naked Indexer. Fred Leise.
Enjoy the chills and thrills of watching an experienced indexer work with a previously unseen text in real time. In this highly interactive session, you’ll be able to hear and discuss indexing decisions as they are being made.

SESSION Cookbook Indexing: Strategies for Success. JoAnne Burek.
Cookbook indexing sounds like it should be easy. After all, what could be easier than indexing page after page of titles and ingredients? Actually, the process can be deceptively overwhelming for a variety of reasons. In this presentation, JoAnne will share her strategy for approaching and writing the index using examples from three cookbooks of different styles. She will also talk about the cookbook indexing mindset, reading the audience, getting clients, and pricing your services.

SESSION Burden or Blessing? The Ups and Downs of Working with Self-Publishing Authors. Amy Hall.
After explaining the differences between self-publishing and assisted self-publishing, and how they both vary from traditional publishing, the speaker will be discussing how these indexing projects work in terms of their timelines, project requirements, compensation, and long-term value to the indexer. Using multiple examples and case studies, Amy will be highlighting the risks and benefits of working with both self-publishing authors and assisted self-publishing companies.

SESSION The Crystal Ball is Cloudy: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Indexing. John Magee.
Stories about artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and "The Cloud" are everywhere lately. But what are those things, exactly? How will they impact our work as indexers? Will AI and ML keep you on the ground or help you spread your wings? Cengage Learning's Director of Metadata Services John Magee leads a session to explain some of the concepts and to help separate the buzzwordy from the buzz-worthy.

SESSION Planning and Preserving Your Indexing Legacy. Fran Lennie.
Fran will build on ongoing discussions within the global indexing community regarding succession planning. Participants will look at how to prevent their own ongoing indexes (revision, serial, and cumulative) from become casualties should the worst happen! Fran explores ways to pass the baton gracefully to your successor with minimum disruption to both your client and the indexing and publication process. Even if you only work on "one-off" texts, this presentation will provide ideas on how to safeguard your own "work-in-progress." Fran will touch briefly on what has transpired since she relinquished the reins of CINDEX by transferring all rights to another company in April 2022.

SESSION Flying High with Index-Manager. Pilar Wyman.
Pilar will demonstrate how she uses Index-Manager to fly through indexing and provide quality embedded indexes. With Index-Manager, creating quality embedded indexes is like “flying the friendly skies.” Pilar will show how she writes and edits indexes with Index-Manager and how she exports them into embedded files. Participants will learn how they too can steward clients to indexes that link interactively for ebooks as well as sustainably for reflow.

SESSION Indexing Revised Editions. Connie Binder.
Revised editions—indexers either love them or hate them! Spread your wings and get tips for flying through the process with an indexer who enjoys indexing updates and revised editions. We’ll cover pros and cons, file prep (both PDF and index files), indexing process, tips, cautions, pricing, client communications, and marketing. Examples will be shown using Cindex indexing software. This session will not cover embedded indexing.

SESSION Black Hawk, White Bird, and Tsubasa (Wing): Dealing with Unusual Names. Judy Staigmiller and Anna Aridome.
Personal names present a quandary to indexers who often have to deal with variations of names in even the most straightforward of texts. Judy and Anna will talk about the names that puzzle many of us because they are outside the Euro-American tradition. Judy will focus on American Indian names, and Anna will focus on Asian names. Together we can make the challenge of names seem not-so-scary so we can allow the name-dense books with their indexes to soar.

SESSION Starting an Indexing Career: A New Indexer’s Journey. Mylinh Hamlington.
Starting a new indexing career can feel like you are leaving the safety of the nest for the first time. Hear from a new indexer about the first year of her indexing journey. Mylinh will share the steps taken, tools used, and lessons learned while starting her indexing business. Every indexer’s path is different—this presentation is not a how-to but rather a “how-can” that will provide perspective, ideas, and inspiration for the start of your own indexing journey.

SESSION Editing Your Index to Ensure Quality. Joan Shapiro.
Do you ever finish an index and think to yourself, “how can I be sure I didn’t miss anything?!” This session will help indexers develop a checklist to use as they edit their indexes. After checking off each item on their list, indexers will feel confident in hitting that “send” button.

SESSION Game On! The game show for indexing knowledge. Panel: Nan Badgett—Moderator, Connie Binder, Theresa Duran, Amron Lehte.
In this game-show type presentation, panelists will answer questions and have discussions on indexing and business related issues. Come join the fun while learning from experienced, long-time indexers. The session will include audience participation and prizes, too!

SESSION Leaving the Flock: Knowing When to Break the Rules. Kendra Millis.
Indexers have many resources to pull from when trying to determine the “correct” way to handle some element of indexing. But what do you do when the rules don’t apply to your situation? Or when the press asks for something unusual? Or when following the rules will produce an index that’s too long? In this session we’ll take a look at times when it might be necessary (or even preferable!) to break the rules.

SESSION Broaden Your Cindex Wingspan. Maria A. Sullivan.
Maria will spotlight and highlight some lesser-known features and functionality within Cindex, providing you with new ways to enhance your indexing efficiency. From fully utilizing all of the available Views, creative navigation and editing with different tools, to learning how to take advantage of final editing and polishing functions. Maria will also discuss the current state of open-source Cindex and its impact on the indexing profession. We will finish up with a question and discussion session, so be sure to bring your questions.

SESSION We’re In This Together: Using Groups to Grow Your Skills, Knowledge or Business. Lisa Fedorak.
For the freelance indexer, the business of indexing can be a lonely venture predicated on self-learning. The opportunity for learning and bouncing ideas off another person is not built into the work environment, it requires self-motivation. However, setting up a group with others to tackle a learning objective is a means to expand one’s knowledge while developing a network.

This presentation will cover the types of groups that can be used to learn software, create business growth, develop a sounding board for ideas or create external accountability for tasks or strategies that for whatever reason keep getting sidelined. Setting up a group for success begins with how it is conceived. The elements of the meeting and how they interact with each other will be covered: members, objectives, format, schedule and how the meeting is run.

SESSION On Beyond Indexing: Indexing-Adjacent Jobs. Michele Combs.
Want to take flight beyond back-of-book indexes, but aren’t sure what’s out there? This presentation will provide a high-level survey of jobs that use some of the same skills and talents as indexing but in a different context, such as abstracting, editing, metadata work, taxonomy/thesaurus creation, and even archival processing.

SESSION Indexing Lives. Kendra Millis.
In this presentation we will take a look at the various types of biographical material that an indexer may encounter, discuss the different challenges presented by this material, and explore options for effectively indexing the information contained in life stories.

SESSION Never Stop Learning: Continuing Education for Continuing Improvement. Devon Thomas.
No matter where you are in your indexing career, continuing to learn is a vital activity. Not only does continuing education make you a better an indexer, it also makes you a happier, more engaged one! This workshop will discuss both formal and informal methods of continuing your indexing education including classes, online resources, and feedback from peers and even (gulp) clients. Some lessons are fun to learn, some we learn the hard way, but being deliberate about improvement in this self-directed career is an important skill.

SESSION Incidental Exercise: Fitness strategies from the laziest person in the world. Connie Binder.
No time to exercise? Or just don’t want to? Flap your wings over to this fun-filled session for tips on working in fitness throughout your day even if you can’t (or won’t) set aside time to work out. We’ll cover incidentally adding exercise to your household and work routines, two-minute fitness splurges during breaks (as your cup of tea heats up), music as a timer and a motivator, multitasking, and what science says about it all. Fly on over to share your own strategies, and be ready to shake those tail feathers and move (incidentally)!

SESSION Things you probably don’t know about SKY Index and what’s going on behind the scenes. Kamm Schreiner.
Kamm will be discussing some of the features that users are frequently unaware of when using SKY Index™ Professional v8.0 and how they can improve your productivity. He’ll also give you an idea of what he’s been doing as far as developing the next version of SKY Index. If time permits, there will be a Q&A session at the end of the session.

Watch this space! More sessions will be added as information comes in.

Program is subject to change without notice.