Jolanta Komornicka, PhD
MemberClose Reading Indexing and Editing
Kitchener, Ontario Canada

Jolanta Komornicka, PhD
I have indexed academic books over a range of humanities and social science disciplines, including history, literature, theology, philosophy, sports psychology, and sociology. I work on both embedded and back-of-book indexing projects.
I am an expert in history, particularly medieval European history, in which I hold a PhD. I was an assistant professor of history before moving into indexing. My academic knowledge is interdisciplinary, stretching from history into literature, archaeology, anthropology, religious studies, philosophy, and theology. Trained as a medievalist, my subject knowledge covers late antiquity through the early modern period, Iceland to China. I have taught and studied world civilizations and modern history, particularly that of the Middle East. As a research academic, I am familiar with the structure of academic writing, the audience it looks toward, and the needs a scholarly index must serve.
Outside of academia, I am broadly read and have particular familiarity with manuals for writing as craft, trade nonfiction (including the hard sciences and mathematics), gaming books, and travel books.
Recent books indexed (embedded indexes marked with ** ):
Audretsch, David B., et al., eds. Developments in Entrepreneurial Finance and Technology. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.
Becker, Ann M. Smallpox in Washington’s Army: Disease, War, and Society during the Revolutionary War. Lanham, MD Lexington Books, 2023.
**Clark, Joseph M. H. Veracruz and the Caribbean in the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Cook, Rebecca J., ed. Frontiers of Gender Equality: Transnational Legal Perspectives. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023. [Table of Cases and Table of Legislation Index Only]
**Gillingham, Lauren. Fashionable Fictions and the Currency of the Nineteenth-Century British Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024.
**Hampton, Alexander J.B. and Douglas Hendley, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Christianity and the Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
**Hampton, Alexander J.B., ed. Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and the Ends of the Enlightenment: Religion, Philosophy, and Reason at the Crux of Modernity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Kreindler, Simon. The Sephardi Jews of Barbados (1627 to 1934). Self-published, 2022.
**Krueger, Roberta L., ed. The New Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
McManus, Stuart M. Jesuit World Philology & the Birth of Comparative Grammar: The “Inua Indica” of Ignazio Arcamone SJ.
Muhareb, Mahmoud. The Jewish Agency and Syria during the Arab Revolt: Secret Meetings and Negotiations. London: I.B. Tauris, 2023.
Raymond, Claire. “Social Dirt, Liminality, and the Adjunct Predicament,” book chapter. Indiana University Press, 2023.
Sanderson, Jimmy and Melinda R. Weathers, eds. Health Communication and Sport: Connections, Applications, and Opportunities. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2022.
Schmidt, Benjamin, Sean Sweetman, and Briana Garcia. Creating Natural Form: Restorative Art Theory and Application. Tuesday Evening Publications, 2022.
Woolley, Samuel. Manufacturing Consensus: Understanding Propaganda in the Era of Automation and Anonymity. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2023.
Software expertise and production skills:
Index evaluation and repair
Index Manager
Name indexes
Language Specialties:
Subject Specialties:
Folklore and fairy tales
Literary criticism
Military and naval sciences
Religion and spirituality
Type of Materials Specialties:
Scholarly books
Textbooks and study guides
Trade books
Updated: January 13, 2025