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Your Mathematics search returned 15 matches.
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Your Mathematics search returned 15 matches.
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Donald Glassman, DVM, MS
Glassman Indexing Services
Prescott, Arizona USA
Experience, knowledge and creativity yield superior indexes! With Glassman Indexing you get over two decades of indexing experience with special expertise in subject areas throughout medicine and the biological sciences. Details...
Glassman Indexing Services
Prescott, Arizona USA
Experience, knowledge and creativity yield superior indexes! With Glassman Indexing you get over two decades of indexing experience with special expertise in subject areas throughout medicine and the biological sciences. Details...
Laura Shelley
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
I produce fast, accurate, professional back-of-the-book indexes that can help sell books. My academic training is in history, education, library science and the humanities. Long time interests include: pet care, Details...
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
I produce fast, accurate, professional back-of-the-book indexes that can help sell books. My academic training is in history, education, library science and the humanities. Long time interests include: pet care, Details...
Pilar Wyman
Wyman Indexing
Washington, District of Columbia USA
Great indexes for great books — in all media. Pilar has been writing indexes since early 1990. Her rates are reasonable and estimates can be provided. Pilar specializes in medtech, Details...
Wyman Indexing
Washington, District of Columbia USA
Great indexes for great books — in all media. Pilar has been writing indexes since early 1990. Her rates are reasonable and estimates can be provided. Pilar specializes in medtech, Details...
Helmut Filacchione, PhD
Complete Indexing
Murfreesboro, TN - Tennessee United States
Indexes in the areas of artificial intelligence, sciences, physics, engineering, technology, energy, environment, business, economics, finance, and management, as well as cognitive science, biographies & memoirs, geography, history, political sciences, Details...
Complete Indexing
Murfreesboro, TN - Tennessee United States
Indexes in the areas of artificial intelligence, sciences, physics, engineering, technology, energy, environment, business, economics, finance, and management, as well as cognitive science, biographies & memoirs, geography, history, political sciences, Details...
matthew white
New York, New York United States
Full-time indexer with 19 years experience in wide array of subject areas and many happy repeat clients Specialties include cookbooks, African American studies, continuing legal education, literary criticism Details...
New York, New York United States
Full-time indexer with 19 years experience in wide array of subject areas and many happy repeat clients Specialties include cookbooks, African American studies, continuing legal education, literary criticism Details...
Sandi Schroeder
Schroeder Indexing Services. Inc.
Bluffton, South Carolina USA
Schroeder Indexing Services believes that all books deserve a custom index so that readers can find the information they are looking for. On moving to Hilton Head, Sandi initially planned Details...
Schroeder Indexing Services. Inc.
Bluffton, South Carolina USA
Schroeder Indexing Services believes that all books deserve a custom index so that readers can find the information they are looking for. On moving to Hilton Head, Sandi initially planned Details...
Stephen Ingle
WordCo Indexing Services
Norwich, Connecticut United States
For over 30 years, WordCo has been providing publishers and authors with the highest-quality indexes on, or ahead of, schedule. The experience of the WordCo-trained team of professional indexers, coupled Details...
WordCo Indexing Services
Norwich, Connecticut United States
For over 30 years, WordCo has been providing publishers and authors with the highest-quality indexes on, or ahead of, schedule. The experience of the WordCo-trained team of professional indexers, coupled Details...
Caryn Sobel
Sobel Writing Services
Anne Arundel, Maryland USA
Sobel Writing Services provides accurate and thorough indexes, delivered on time, to your specifications, and in your desired format. My background includes sciences, geography, history, gender studies, and medicine, and Details...
Sobel Writing Services
Anne Arundel, Maryland USA
Sobel Writing Services provides accurate and thorough indexes, delivered on time, to your specifications, and in your desired format. My background includes sciences, geography, history, gender studies, and medicine, and Details...
Ritu Amrita, Indexer
Book Indexing Services
Pondicherry, Pondicherry India
A professional back-of-the-book indexer with over fourteen years of experience. I have successfully completed all four modules of the American Society for Indexing (ASI) training course and have indexed hundreds Details...
Book Indexing Services
Pondicherry, Pondicherry India
A professional back-of-the-book indexer with over fourteen years of experience. I have successfully completed all four modules of the American Society for Indexing (ASI) training course and have indexed hundreds Details...
Sanjiv Kumar Sinha
Book Indexing Services
Puducherry, Tamilnadu India
A professional indexer with around sixteen years’ working experience in subject and name indexes, author indexes, embedded indexes, abstracting, and glossary making, covering humanities, management, soft sciences, and hard-core STM. Details...
Book Indexing Services
Puducherry, Tamilnadu India
A professional indexer with around sixteen years’ working experience in subject and name indexes, author indexes, embedded indexes, abstracting, and glossary making, covering humanities, management, soft sciences, and hard-core STM. Details...
Robert Saigh
Razorsharp Communications, Inc.
PHOENIX, Arizona United States
I have indexed every subject under the sun from history and math to science and biography to finance, food, sociology, and the list goes on. In my career, I have Details...
Razorsharp Communications, Inc.
PHOENIX, Arizona United States
I have indexed every subject under the sun from history and math to science and biography to finance, food, sociology, and the list goes on. In my career, I have Details...
Lisa Sorenson
Sorenson Indexing
Goldendale, Washington United States
Experienced, full-time freelance indexer providing back-of-the-book indexes, specializing in the physical sciences. Rates are competitive and negotiable, and rush work is considered. I have never missed a deadline, and am Details...
Sorenson Indexing
Goldendale, Washington United States
Experienced, full-time freelance indexer providing back-of-the-book indexes, specializing in the physical sciences. Rates are competitive and negotiable, and rush work is considered. I have never missed a deadline, and am Details...
Nancy Ball, B.A., B.S., PhD
Nota Bene Indexing
Kingston, Washington United States
Freelance indexing has been my fulltime occupation for over 25 years. In that time, I have indexed over 700 books on topics as diverse as community development financial institutions, sport Details...
Nota Bene Indexing
Kingston, Washington United States
Freelance indexing has been my fulltime occupation for over 25 years. In that time, I have indexed over 700 books on topics as diverse as community development financial institutions, sport Details...
Jen Burton
Columbia Indexing Group
Reno, Nevada USA
Columbia Indexing is a group of experienced book indexers. We specialize in indexes of all shapes and sizes, from novelty books to 10,000-page encyclopedias. Each project is assigned to an Details...
Columbia Indexing Group
Reno, Nevada USA
Columbia Indexing is a group of experienced book indexers. We specialize in indexes of all shapes and sizes, from novelty books to 10,000-page encyclopedias. Each project is assigned to an Details...
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